Model for characterizing the quality situation of Chilean universities based on financial and management indicators

Claudio RUFF
Université Bernardo O’Higgins – Chili
Centre de Recherche Institutionnelle

Marcelo RUIZ
Université Bernardo O’Higgins – Chili
Centre de Recherche Institutionnelle

Université Nationale de Trujillo – Pérou

Abstract : One of the most significant indicators of the effectiveness of quality assurance systems is the accreditation process of higher education institutions, as these processes consider a variety of essential elements when certifying the quality of the processes carried out in training institutions. In this context, the present research aims to generate a model of characterization, evolution and projection of the accreditation situation of Chilean uni­versities that are attached to the Higher Education Information System (SIES). For them, a methodology of quantitative exploratory correlational and predictive approach is used that considers 56 different Chilean higher education institutions, catalogued as universities ; and their respective indicators published between 2017 and 2021 by the Higher Education Information System (SIES) that allowed the generation of the model based on the evolu­tion of the consolidated indicators, which yielded the information of value concerning the fields of greatest relevance in the results of the accreditation process. In this way, the research seeks to become a model that contributes to the strategic planning of universities to achieve higher quality in their processes and, consequently, a greater number of years of accreditation.

Keywords : university accreditation, quality system in higher education, financial and management indicators.

JEL classification : C02, I23.