Welcome to the RIELF

The International Association of French Language Economists (AIELF) has put in place an agreement with the Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB) and University Bernardo O’Higgins of Santiago of Chile (UBO). The review (RIELF) is edited by AIELF and published entirely in French in cooperation with the PUEB and UBO. Starting in 2016, it is generalist and half-yearly. The editing operations and shipping management are carried out by PUEB.

Krzysztof Malaga, Professor at the PUEB in Poland, is the editor in Chief.

RIELF’s ambition is to publish economic papers written in French also by the authors for whom French is not a mother tongue, in accordance with the Association’s traditional objectives. Linguistic assistance could possibly be provided at the end of the selection process to achieve this goal.

Without ruling out mathematical or econometric articles, RIELF publishes academic articles intended for a broad audience and open to debate.

Another ambition is to obtain a referral fairly quickly, which implies a sufficiently rigorous selection policy. The RIELF’s Editorial Board plays the traditional role of a selection committee with two reviewers working on anonymous texts. RIELF offers its full content in open access under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0 license. By submitting an article for publication in the RIELF, the authors agree to make it available under this license.

The publication of articles follows the usual rules. It is reserved for authors belonging to the Association, but we are naturally delighted to welcome new members on this occasion. The annual membership fees are 40 EUR (Professors), 30 EUR (Assistant professors, Ph. D. holders), 20 EUR (Ph. D. candidates). The terms and conditions are specified elsewhere.

Authors can submit an article proposal without delay and inform interested researchers accordingly. Admission condition: membership of an author (the authors) in the Association. (acknowledged before final acceptance of the article). The articles will obviously be written and submitted in French.

Since the first issue of RIELF published in December 2016, it is possible to have access to all publications in full text available under the heading: “RIELF Numbers”.

All articles published in RIELF are available on the AIELF website http://aielf.org/index.php/rielfnumeros/

Authors who publish in RIELF retain all copyrights. RIELF permits self-archiving of the published version together with the contents and editorial page of the journal’s issue.

RIELF is indexed by ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, Google Scholar and BazEkon.

ISSN: 2551-895X

e-ISSN: 2727-0831