Statistical analysis of the influence of gravity effect on spatial differentiation of economic development of Ukraine

Svitlana Chugaievska
Université Nationale d’Agroécologie de Jytomyr, Ukraine

Nataliia Chugaievska
Université Jagellonne, Cracovie, Pologne

Tomasz Tokarski
Université Jagellonne, Cracovie, Pologne. Département d’Économie Mathématique

Auteur correspondant : Tomasz Tokarski,

Abstract : The article conducts a statistical analysis of influence of gravity effect on basic directions of Ukrainian economy development on basis of taxonomical indicators and data of State Statistics Service. Main socio-economic indexes of XXI century are studied that point out the deep crisis of the national economy. Five groups of Ukrainian administrative distribution areas are distinguished : central, northern, southern, western and eastern. The gravity effect is specified for each of them. Basic indexes that stimulate or retard economic development are determined, using the method of taxonomical analysis. Specific gravity for all above-mentioned indexes of groups and for whole Ukraine (in dynamics from 2004 to

2015) is estimated by means of Monte Carlo method. The statistical analysis is carried out with the construction of logarithmic functions on every stimulant and destimulant of the economy growth together with parameters of their statistical significance. The most posi- tive influence, as proven, has a size of wages per month, level of population’s employment, migration inflow rate and negative, in its turn, the level of unemployment.

Keywords : Ukraine, regional analyzes, taxonomic indicators, gravitational effects.

JEL Classification : P25, R13, R23.